run takeoff [straight] [vertical] <num>

run takeoff assumes, that your aircraft is placed on a runway. 

It will search for this runway in the airac and create virtual GPS coordinates for the departure. 

In fixed wing aircraft the command will:

set lights

set flaps to position 1

set speed to takeoffspeed as defined in the aircraft library

set initial altitude

set initial climb rate

tune in the first GPS target _1

wait until a certain speed is reached

operate the elevator ("pull") for lifting off the runway

switch on the vertical autopilot as soon as groundcontact is lost

retract gear at a certain altitude

retract flaps at a certain altitude

switches to current heading and presses the HDG button


In helicopters the command will:

set lights

set speed to 10 knots

set initial altitude

set initial climb rate

tune in the first GPS target _1

switch on the vertical autopilot

wait until lift off

wait until 10 knots are reached

accelerate to 30 and 60 knots

retract gear if present at a certain altitude

switch to current heading and presses the HDG button




Here the virtual GPS targets are created using the current heading of the aircraft, not taking into account any runway. 

Use this for a takeoff in the wilderness. 


To be used for helicopters only. 

The takeoff will be performed almost straight vertical with only a minimal forward motion. 


Will takeoff to a <num> feet altitude

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